Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's said to be a werewolf that is reported to be seen in southern wisconsin and northern illinois|||Hahahahaha! There's a movie about that called "Beast of Bray Road". I saw it on Sci-Fi once. I actually grew up in the town right near Bray Road, I in fact knew the Bray family who lived on the road when I was there years ago (they could still be there, I have no idea).

I have heard of the legend but I have never seen the werewolf nor heard any stories that would have led me to think that it was anything other than a myth. Its a small town around there and if there was anything, everyone would've known.|||i live in WI and i have never seen a werewolf...|||No, I haven't seen it, but nobody has for the last few years. Typically, with werewolf sightings, they usually span over just a few years. Not sure if they actually exist or not, but people do occasionally spot some sort of unknown, wolf-like animal. Very rarely are they able to take some footage or pictures of it. Here's a link to a website with some recorded encounters and pictures: http://www.michigan-dogman.com/01_encoun鈥?/a>

Here's some links for the Beast of Bray Road:


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