Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"It seems clear that Senate Republicans are prepared to take the partisan war over the courts into uncharted territory鈥攄elaying up-or-down votes on the Senate floor for even the most qualified and uncontroversial of the president's judicial nominees. If this continues, it will worsen an already serious problem of vacancies on the federal courts. And it will discourage from ever entering the confirmation process precisely the type of nominees both parties should want."

http://www.slate.com/id/2233309/|||I think this village idiot has proven that his cabinet and his czars are not the most valid and impressive group of people. His choices for people have shown that he makes bad choices so why trust it.

Watch the races today..and in the coming days and months ahead. Republicans are going ahead and dems are going out. Shows that America made a huge mistake and they are going to right themselves......

HUGE STATEMENT by AMERICA that their choice was a mistake!|||they had their big claps silenced by the voters.|||Meanwhile, your kind cheer when Democrats did it... why the change of heart? A bit of a hypocrite aren't you?|||Blah, blah, blah.
Sotomayor was confirmed much faster than Roberts or Alito.
Your question has no merit.|||I believe it falls under the heading of "Turnabout is fair play" and recall Democrats doing exactly the same things during Bush's tenure.
I have noticed that Demolemmings all tend to have extremely short memories, so I thought I'd just remind you of this little point.|||Republicans say a lot of things. Most of it is not sincere.

Their fake outrage is sometimes amusing. If some people actually believed the Republicans' ranting about "up or down votes" then they must be confused.|||Just trying to find out if the Democrats like having their own tactics used against them.|||It appears that the subjective divide is being played against the people again. Unparalleled ideologue extremists are being compared to "qualified and uncontroversial" to justify what is essentially a hostage taking on behalf of a special interest.

There are still Republicans with enough objectivity to see the difference between now and then, but the constant flaming of entertainers has made them a minority in their own party.

Newt Gingrich tried to take the whole Gov hostage and got the blame for messing up a lot of summer vacations. This is less visible but its going to cost them. The descent of the Republican party continues to my dismay but the delight of socialist. It is precisely the fools who took you on, that are heralding in the next wave of socialist buffoonery.


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