Tuesday, March 6, 2012

yes, i know, it just came out today...but i'm DYING to know what happens, and i can't actually get the book for another week...so PLEASE answer these two questions (ppl who don't want the book spoiled, just don't read the answers!)

1. your personal opinion of how the book is (scale of 1-10, and why)
2. if kartik and gemma actually get together!!!!

thanks so much :)|||Are you sure you're up for spoilers? Ok. For anyone reading this, please STOP if you do NOT want spoilers! So, please don't complain that I've spoiled it for you! You could've stopped when you wanted.

I just did a marathon reading of The Sweet Far Thing yesterday and so...:

1. Score: 9

This book was a beautiful, and sadly bittersweet, end to the series. At times, certain scenes will make you forget to breathe and other times it will tug at your heart strings. I've noticed that this book, more than the others, is more infused with morals and values, presenting subtle lessons along the way that are invaluable for an feminist or otherwise. There are themes of free will and choice as Gemma and the other characters struggle to understand the nature of destiny and their purpose. But the book also frustrates you with the actions that characters take and the actions they did not take. Did one certain character truly have to hold all of the burden of the Tree of Souls in the end because they, by chance, happened to be nearest it? You'll get what I mean when you near the end of the book, with the final climatic scene.

2. Kartik and Gemma do get together. It was beautiful. In fact, I was really surprised at the extent they got together... but all rabid fans will not be disappointed. I couldn't help squealing! =D Yet, it's true that with the highest hopes, comes the greatest fall. At times, you'll scream with frustration and plead with an imaginary Libba Bray in your head to be kinder. You'll begin wild imaginings where you hope and hope what you read isn't true and you HAVE to flip to the end, only to be disappointed. Or maybe it's just me. So, please don't get your hopes too high. Just enjoy the moments that they're together. I'd like to think that the Order and Rakshana symbol of love (two hands clasped in a circle) you'll see in the book aptly describes Gemma and Kartik.
As Kartik once said, "The hands are protected by the circle, the symbol of eternity...because there is no telling where it begins or ends, nor does it matter."

I hope that helps!|||they dont get together forever though.

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|||heyy! yeahh i have no idea yet. i'm going like right now to get the book. but i'll tell you once i actually read it! it takes me atleast 2 days lol not 10 minutes. but i'll try maybe if you email me or something i can tell you...but yeah i'm sooo excitedd!
plus you can read the first chapter online here's the link:



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