Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The severe troubles our nation now finds itself in has been caused by the labour party's own incompetence and negligence ; so why is gordon brown braying about his so called remedies ? Frankly we have been conned long enough. He should clean out the present cache of untrustworthy MPs before we could trust the party again.. There is nothing of the Socialist in any of them now.|||Because he believes the voting public are gullible enough to believe him. Did you hear him yesterday on the news at tthe conference saying that he now pledges to crack down on yob? That one was pretty ripe sure enough. Labour have been telling us that for 13 years and haven't done anything about it not zilch!

Mostly Labour are up in the polls as the surveys are being done in mainly labour, staunchley supported areas. I don't pay a lot of attention to the news medias polls anyway but I do listen when I hear a lot of labour supporters in my area knocking labour for all they are worth. Some are so angry with Brown and the people in the cabinet they nearly spit when they talk. You don't have to say anything to them to get them started either. People have honestly had enough. They don't like the Tories or Libdems either and I'm beginning to think more and more we are going to have a hung parliament. Its like the other day I heard one of the local constituents labour party officers saying that getting the truth out of a labour or tory politician either one was like trying to, his words, "stick a wet noodle up a wild cats ****". I just thought how true that is but for any MP we have sitting in the house now, either house for that matter.

Vote any independent! Even a hung parliament will get the people represented for a change and maybe do some good for our country. Can't be any worse than it is now or what the tory's did when they were in govt. last.|||Yes & No comes to mind. Yes - he should clear out the untrustworthy MP's. No - Socialist ideals have not gone, but taken a battering and I think it is a reinterpretation of them in the modern world.
It is a common perception that Labour have messed up big time. But hang on...The UK is probably the only main country that has relied more on financial services sector than any other main EU country and would classify UK's situation as unique. With world economic events, mainly borne out of dodgy financial products creatively engineered by the big US commercial banks, it was inevitable that the UK was going to be a big casualty in the global financial storm. But I guess Gordon is praising himself for making unpopular decisions, e.g. stabilising the UK Bank sector or remaining in Afghanistan and yet still doing relatively well in the Polls.|||This is silly. I am certainly no fan of the New Labour Government but they did not cause the crisis and in fact, in my view have dealt with it sensibly.

The crisis was caused by irresponsible banks who probably should have been more tightly regulated but both Labour and Tory Governments share some blame for this (and, in fairness, deregulation is often a very positive policy).

They clearly made mistakes, as every Government does; the Tories over did the monetarism and took us into the ERM. I think this Government over spent, got in to some silly wars and have made a mess of education. But, the recession was caused by credit that was to cheap and too loose.|||I am no friend of Mr Brown or New Labour. The problem I have is that the only real alternative is an inexperienced mob whom New Labour most resemble.

Because I am fast approaching the 'old git' stage of life, I know the Conservatives are no better. Michael Portillo had to apologise for the last Tory governments vilification and stigmatisation of single mothers... yet this mob are up to exactly the same thing and are so bound up in their class prejudices that they can't even get their statistics right.

I'm joining Alice Cooper and voting for the 'Wild' party! :-)|||Because he understands the English character (he is from north of the borrder). We love to be shafted and, like Oliver, ask for more.|||If Gordon Brown didn't pat himself on the back who else would?


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